Health Insurance

Employee health comes first!

A protected and motivated team...

Online Medicine

Talk to a doctor with just a click and receive the prescription on your phone. Avoid unnecessary trips to the emergency room.

Consultations, Exams,
and Treatments

Benefit from advantageous costs at the best clinics and hospitals.


Access to a free annual check-up to assess your health condition.

Mental Health

A distinctive coverage that includes the prevention and treatment of mental health.

Providing health insurance to employees is a practice with proven benefits not only for increasing employee well-being and motivation but also for the ability to attract and retain talent.
Corporate Health Insurance allows employees to access a network of renowned clinics and hospitals, providing them with affordable treatment without waiting lists.
This plan ensures access to consultations, exams, treatments, surgeries, and hospitalizations, among other flexible and adaptable coverages to different protection plans.

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Find out more about Apolis

Meet the insurance specialists who will help you
find the most suitable protection for your needs.

Your Protection in the Hands of Professionals

Over 25 Years
in the Market

Specialists in managing risks in both Life and Non-Life insurance sectors.

More than 10 Partner

A wide range of solutions ranging from price to more comprehensive coverages.

Over 5k People and
Companies Insured

Contributing to creating a safer environment for both individuals and companies.

Trust and

We believe that a relationship based on trust and availability is the key to the best protection.

Our partners

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